Zand Cleanse Today - 60 Cápsulas

Zand Cleanse Today - 60 Cápsulas


Nome Original:  
Marca:  Zand
Código de Barras:  00041954020911

Descrição:  Cleanse Today is a complete and easy-to-use liver and colon cleanse with digestive enzymes that when used daily, naturally helps remove toxins from you body. Cleanse Today is formulated to supplement any cleansing program, to support the healthy function of the intestines and liver, rejuvenating the body and maintaining optimal health. Formulated with natural ingredients to cleanse and detoxify the liver. Contains digestive enzymes to prevent dietary buildup in the intestines. Does not contain any bulking ingredients or laxatives. No fasting necessary Cleanses the Colon Zero CarbohydratesZand Cleanse Today is a gentle and complete daily detoxification program designed to support the bodys natural cleansing process. Contains all the essentials for an optimal cleanse - Milk Thistle, Dietary Fiber, Plant Based Enzymes and whole food concentrates.

Entrega:  Correios (7-15 dias)  Frete Grátis!

Estas declarações não foram avaliadas pela FDA nos EUA ou qualquer agência governamental. Este produto não se destina a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir doenças no Brasil.

Preço:  R$310,00
Disponibilidade:  Em estoque

Adicione 1 ao carrinho para R$310,00
Adicione 3 ao carrinho para R$295,00 / item   (Economize 5%)
Adicione 6 ao carrinho para R$279,00 / item   (Economize 10%)
