Natures Life Strontium - 680 mg - 60 Comprimidos

Natures Life Strontium - 680 mg - 60 Comprimidos


Nome Original:  
Marca:  Natures Life
Código de Barras:  00040647914179

Descrição:  Natures Life Strontium is a naturally occurring mineral present in water and food. It is similar to calcium in chemical makeup and intended to provide nutritive support for bone health. Trace amounts of strontium are found in the human skeleton. Strontium has an affinity for bone and is taken up at the bone matrix crystal surface. The influence of strontium on bone metabolism has been researched since the 1950s. Studies indiciate that strontium positively effects one metabolism to promote bone formation and decrease bone resorption, leading to normalized bone density. Helps maintain strong, healthy bones.

Entrega:  Correios (7-15 dias)  Frete Grátis!

Estas declarações não foram avaliadas pela FDA nos EUA ou qualquer agência governamental. Este produto não se destina a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir doenças no Brasil.

Preço:  R$300,00
Disponibilidade:  Em estoque

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