Wellesse Liquid Glucosamina com Condroitina plus MSM Mixed Berry - 16 fl oz.

Wellesse Liquid Glucosamina com Condroitina plus MSM Mixed Berry - 16 fl oz.


Nome Original:  
Marca:  Wellesse
Código de Barras:  371401395331

Descrição:  Liquid Glucosamine with Chondroitin plus MSM Mixed Berry -- 16 fl oz. Enjoy life and move more freely, thanks to Joint Movement Glucosamine. Think of glucosamine as natures insurance policy and extended warranty for your knees, back, shoulders, elbows, and other parts of your body that bend or twist. Glucosamine preserves your bodys natural shock absorber cartilage, which is crucial for proper joint performance and flexibility. Joint Movement Glucosamine liquid formula has all the right ingredients for a successful joint-saver recipe.Provides joint protection for all adults, not just athletes. 2000 mg of Glucosamine One dose a day of liquid glucosamine is all it takes for maximum benefit. You could feel a noticeable difference in 4-8 weeks. Easy to swallow no more large pills

Entrega:  Correios (7-15 dias)  Frete Grátis!

Estas declarações não foram avaliadas pela FDA nos EUA ou qualquer agência governamental. Este produto não se destina a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir doenças no Brasil.

Preço:  R$583,00
Disponibilidade:  Em estoque

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