Lifetime Ácido Alfa Lipóico - 300 mg - 60 Cápsulas

Lifetime Ácido Alfa Lipóico - 300 mg - 60 Cápsulas


Nome Original:  
Marca:  Project Runway
Código de Barras:  00053232620126

Descrição:  LifeTime Alpha Lipoic Acid is known as a master antioxidant. It has many beneficial synergistic interactions with other antioxidants. Alpha Lipoic acid ensures that you utilize your antioxidants more efficiently because they are available for longer periods. It neutralizes harmful free radicals.LifeTime Alpha Lipoic Acid:Is a powerful antioxidantProvides synergistic support for other antioxidants, including vitamin C, E, Co-Q10 and glutathione by extending and enhancing their actionsHelps to neutralize free radicalsMay support healthy blood sugarLife Time products are manufactured to meet strict quality control standards and formulated using only quality industry acceptable materials.

Entrega:  Correios (7-15 dias)  Frete Grátis!

Estas declarações não foram avaliadas pela FDA nos EUA ou qualquer agência governamental. Este produto não se destina a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir doenças no Brasil.

Preço:  R$333,00
Disponibilidade:  Em estoque

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