Descrição:IP-6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate) is a component of certain dietary fibers, particularly most cereal grains, legumes, and seeds high in oil. Many researchers believe some of fibers health benefits may be due to the antioxidant, immune-enhancing, and activities of IP-6. In-vitro and animal research has shown IP-6 to have significant protective and growth-regulating effects on certain cells and tissues, including those of the colon, breast, and prostate. Source Naturals IP-6 is free of other active ingredients. Only IP-6 in this form has consistently demonstrated positive research results.
Entrega: Correios (7-15 dias) Frete Grátis!
Estas declarações não foram avaliadas pela FDA nos EUA ou qualquer agência governamental. Este produto não se destina a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir doenças no Brasil.
Preço: R$348,00 Disponibilidade:Em estoque
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