Universal Nutrition Creatina Pó (300 gramas)

Universal Nutrition Creatina Pó (300 gramas)


Nome Original:  
Marca:  Universal
Código de Barras:  039442047007

Descrição:  Theres bad creatine and good creatine. Then theres great creatine. Whats the difference? Manufacturing quality and form. The only clinically proven form is creatine monohydrate powder. The best creatine monohydrate is manufactured in Germany. Our creatine monohydrate powder is a German creatine thats so pure, its patented. Its the finest in the world. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the energy source for all muscular contractions (bodybuilding). Energy is created when ATP releases one of its phosphate groups (ATP then becomes ADP). Creatine donates a phosophate back to ADP, reforming ATP, and thus restoring your ATP pool. By doing so, you can work out harder, longer, and more effectively. Creatine use can increase your strength and performance. It can help build lean mass by volumizing and hydrating muscle cells, thus creating a necessary environment for growth.

Entrega:  Correios (7-15 dias)  Frete Grátis!

Estas declarações não foram avaliadas pela FDA nos EUA ou qualquer agência governamental. Este produto não se destina a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir doenças no Brasil.

Preço:  R$515,00
Disponibilidade:  Em estoque

Adicione 1 ao carrinho para R$515,00
Adicione 3 ao carrinho para R$489,00 / item   (Economize 5%)
Adicione 6 ao carrinho para R$463,00 / item   (Economize 10%)
